I got pico
And I wanted to be Blockhead :( You should have included him haha
Good game though!
I got pico
And I wanted to be Blockhead :( You should have included him haha
Good game though!
Eveyrthing was really well presented
..Except for the voice acting. I was especially dissapointed in the castle lord, i forgot his name haha :)
The text was questionable at times too..
But the rest is veryy well done :)
The voice acting was good, but its the quality im talking about. At times I just wanted to skip the whole thing, it ruined the wholre game a little :/
Work on the voices, and proofread!
I will see what can we do to improve the voice acting!
Best Wishes!
Hernan Lopez
Epic LLama Warchief
Way too hard for n00bs to understand, and does not add anything to flashers,
bad quality, no originality, crap.
good luck with the rest.
Well you can stick to your animation.
Very nice!
I had to comment on this game, because it was so fun.
even though there wasnt music, it kind suited the game to not have any.
I love the idea of this game, its so simple yet rly fun and the less bouncy trinagles worked rly well and it was hard sometimes.
I agree with..
The person below me, however he gave you a pretty high score.
It was very annoying, a little fun, the controls were wack, and it got a little too hard too.
Good luck with the rest.
Ver addictive..
And enjoyable.
Good job!!
Hmm i see how you updated it..
So its a bit better. Its not bad for a beginner, I liked it.
I love little games like this.
keep up the good work!
Yeah I'm uh.... of the slightly toasted complexion.... It's a nice color :)
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Joined on 1/8/09