
69 Movie Reviews

22 w/ Responses


That was funny.. I loved how skilled people on it did bad on purpose, while un skilled people just did their best. The concept of the idea is good, and it came out well.

hmmm.. well

I rather enjoyed the fact that you used colors that cannot be associated with any actual races, as to not poke blame to any races saying they may be the usual culprit of the racism (for I've seen that done when that in itself is prejudice), because there are people, far too many, from every race that discriminate and prejudge people. Although I'm always hopeful of a better world, it's seems unlikely to me that problems like this and other will never go away, certainly not completely. But it's good to see that you took your time to do something small, and may give just enough hope or inspiration to others to do something, by any means it's good to be reminded that there are others that care, and know that we always need to work on ourselves and others to make this world a better place. I think too many people are comfortable saying that things could always be worse, when I think we should be saying that they could always be better. Maybe one day we will all learn how stupid, small-minded, and ignorant we as a species has been and just start taking care of our fellow man instead of serving selfish meaningless desires.

At any rate the music and animation were good, but the 10 for the clear, concise, and thought out message.

Slay-Meek responds:

It's good to see that people are really taking a lot from this flash. Thanks, I appreciate the response.

Hey not bad..

some drawings were rly bad.. some were rly good... Its almost all ( if not all)
motion tweens.. But I liked it like that.
Keep it up.

I was just thinking..

what a load of crap some of the things on this site are. Lucky for us, you help balance out with awesome flashes. Btw, u eva played the games?

KobraEditing responds:

Well of course I have :D. What kind of crazy person would put all this work into something that they are not even familiar with?

Amen to the dood under me.

He said it all, I suggest you listen.


Funny as hell. Im glad someone showed the world what pokemon rly is.

lol 2 months

It was rly bad, but for a first animation.. its a good start.
Just practice your animating, and maybe once your good enough you can move out of stickmen.

I loved it

very cute.
except sounds would have made it 50% better.

BakaMichi responds:

Thankies muchly!
Yes I agree with the sound idea, and I would've added sound if it hadn't been a test animation I made over the weekend. I was just focusing on the animation


I'm afraid youv done it again.
with a rough start to it but a wonderful ending, youv brought all the magic of episode one; and more!
I abosoloutly loved it, especially the part where u brought dbz in it.

Youv got a true fan rite here!

tacobuttfish responds:

Thanks a ton! I'm delighted you enjoyed it and even happier to hear your a fan! We'll see you again for Episode 3! You have our gratitude for the great score! Thanks a ton!

-Taco Buttfish.

Once again..

it was very funny but disturbing.
great graphics.

Yeah I'm uh.... of the slightly toasted complexion.... It's a nice color :)



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